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Country Park

Have an adventure on your doorstep and enjoy the great outdoors! Derry's best kept secret.

Outdoor activities, education, training and volunteering.

Booking enquiry
Children out for an education walk at Creggan Country Park

Promoting Inclusion

As a shared, neutral, green infrastructure space and outdoor adventure centre, the park provides a programme of training and employment to address disadvantage by promoting inclusion and social cohesion at neighbourhood level.
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Where to find us

Our 100-acre site, host to three freshwater lakes, woodland, hedgerow, wildflower meadows and activity centre, can be found on the outskirts of Derry, just to the west of the city.

Have an adventure on your doorstep and enjoy our outdoor activities
Booking enquiry

Set up by the community

As a registered charity that delivers not for profit outdoor activities, we provide access to recreation, education, training, volunteering and a biodiversity rich site for the community.

Activities include water sports, orienteering, geocaching, raft building, free environmental education workshops for schools and annual wildlife and holiday themed events including our popular Hallowe'en programme.
This website is funded by The Fore RAFT Fund
The For logo
Creggan Country Park, 196 Westway, Creggan, Derry, BT48 9NU
Tel: 028 7136 3133
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